You'll definitely get a "bang for your advertising dollar" when you advertise on the Smooth Draws Radio Show. Our advertising / sponsor philosophy is unique, in that we want to give you so much more than 30 second commercial spots. We will treat you as a partner, not just an advertiser and connect your facility, service or product with our listeners far beyond the radio show. Our listeners are loyal and appreciate our sincerity when we mention the facility, product or service of our sponsors / advertisers. Our listeners are typically affluent, with a substantial discretionary income and it is our desire for them to spend some of this income with you!
● We will either use your previously produced commercial spots or, alternatively,
produce them ourselves with the assisstance from the talented voice pros
and engineers at ESPN Radio 1230 AM & 106.3 FM The Fan 2, at no further cost to you!
● Offering our advertisers / sponsors their own, unique "special" segments that feature your facility, service or product. Something entertaining, yet
informative. This would be in addition to typical 30 second commercial spots.
● Feature advertisers / sponsors on our Smooth Draws Radio Show website.
● Promote our advertisers heavily on Facebook and Twitter.
● All of our shows will be streaming live, so our reach is far beyond Atlanta.
● We’ll feature our Level I – Level III advertisers on our radio show promotional
banner when we attend cigar events in Atlanta and throughout the southeast.
We’ve developed a very strong presence in Atlanta, and beyond, hosting and attending events such as Whiskies of the World (we handle the cigar event of this
popular whiskey tasting Expo which typically draws 1,000 attendees), JR Cigars
Smokin's in the Carolinas event (broadcasting live to over 1,000 attendees), events
at hotels in Atlanta (we re the cigars and spirits event coordinators for the Westin
and other fine hotels) and at cigar shops, lounges and cigar friendly restaurants.
● Assist you with your social media needs, offering our consultative services
and recommendations as part of your advertising package.
● Be available for your brand or facility with you or your reps for personal
appearances at events you may conduct in the Atlanta metropolitan area
and beyond.
● We'll frequent your establishment, use your product or services and then
sincerely communicate our experiences with you to our listeners through
our show, social media, website.... and other avenues! Again, adhering to
our philosophy of providing you much more than a 30 second commercial!


Interested in advertising on the Smooth Draws Radio Show? Either call us at (678) 82-RADIO, or contact us via the form below and we'll get back to you shortly!